David Murry

site davidmurryOne of cyberspeed's original clients. David Murry joined cyberspeed in 1998. We upgraded the website to a content management system and a new design in 2010.


The Longest Day Book

site longestdaycyberspeed is proud to be part of "The Longest Day" book by Chris Workman. Chris Workman. cyberspeed will be providing web development  and will assist with eCommerce setup once when ready to activate.

Website: www.LongestDayBook.com

Ryan Dalziel

site ryandalzielRyan Dalziel joined cyberspeed in 2008. We created his website on a content management system and developed a design that is simple and would hold up with time.


International Hot Rod Association

site-ihraInstead of building three websites, we built one major website that feeds three websites each having their own template and domain name. The three sites can share information without having to copy the information. Information is submitted once then automatically distributed.


Palm Beach International Raceway

site pbirPalm Beach International Raceway first joined cyberspeed in 2007 when the racetrack was known as Moroso Motorsports Park. cyberspeed built the current website in conjunction with Peak 7 Advertising firm and cyberspeed hosts, maintains and assists Palm Beach International Raceway's staff in keeping the website running smoothly.


Milka Duno

site milkadunoTalent, beauty, brains and competitiveness are just a few of the adjectives that can be used to describe race car driver Milka Duno - one of the most successful female race car drivers in the world today. Milka has competed in more types of race cars in more different racing series than any other current female driver – and has eight major motorsport wins to her credit.


Sail Series

site sailseriescyberspeed started the Endurance Sail Series in 2004 to fill a void in the endurance sailing scene.  The races range from 30 to  120 miles in length and either last one or two days.


Alex Job Racing

site ajrOne of cyberspeed's original clients. Alex Job Racing joined cyberspeed in 1998. We are currently upgrading the website to a content management system and hope to have a new design developed for 2014.


Shane Lewis

site shanelewisOne of cyberspeed's original clients. Shane Lewis joined cyberspeed in 1998. We recently upgraded the website to a content management system and hope to have a new design developed sometime this year.



site simsportSim-Sport is one of cyberspeed's newest clients. Sim-Sport builds and sells iRacing simulators and upgrade parts for existing simulators. The new e-commerce website was launched in July of 2011 and ships in the USA and internationally.


Klub Sport Racing

site klubsportKlub Sport Joined cyberspeed in 2001. Klub Sport is one of the leading vintage racing prep shops in the country and sponsors the Klub Sport Challenge hosted by Historic Sportscar Racing (HSR).



site cyberspeedtvA new venture for cyberspeed which was launched at the end of 2011. The website serves both to highlight some of cyberspeed's latest videos as well as provide coverage of events it attends. "Video from a Different Point of View."


Milka Way Charity

site milkawaycyberspeed is currently building a charity website for the racecar driver Milka Duno. Milka wrote a children's book her charity mission is to inspire children and students to achieve academic excellence.  We also host and maintain Milka Duno's personal website.


Doran Racing

site doranOne of cyberspeed's original clients. Doran Racing joined cyberspeed in 1998. We hope to roll out a new design for 2012.
